Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Hope - Pt 2: "How Far We've Come"

It's been a little more than a year from now.

Looking back down the road, at that particular spot where I stumbled...

... fell...

    ... hurt myself...

        ... despaired...

            ... cried out...

                ... looked up...

                    ... and reached out for the hands that helped me up.

I remember how it was like... But it's like looking in a cracked and dirty mirror - everything is fuzzy and fogged up.

I remember how it was like... But the focus isn't sharp as it was before.

I remember how it was like... But those memories are from a lifetime ago. As if it were through the eyes of someone else on the outside looking in.

Like faded words on the pages of an old storybook - familiar but only vaguely, and then with a faint sense of strangeness.

Looking back down that road, I can begin to glimpse that slow and subtle journey of recovery. And that not solely on my own account, but a burden shared on the shoulders of others - even those who were once strangers, but have now become steadfast friends.

Yes. I still remember. Honestly, I doubt I will entirely forget.

But at this moment, looking back down this road, I realize how far I've come. Where I am right now. And how much further this road will take me.



  1. =)familiar feelings and thoughts. We'll remember cos the grace received from the stumble. And will come a time when remembering hurts no more.

  2. Thanks Anonymous. :) Should I just call you Anonymous? Or perhaps you have a name? :)

  3. haha...i'm orang sekampung.


  4. Ooooooo! It's you la yune! :D I add your blog k?

  5. haha...okay. i added yours dy ;)
