Tuesday, March 23, 2010

A New Chapter

Hey all! I know it's been a long time since I've last updated. Life has been soooooo full and soooooo busy these last few weeks. There has been no let up since Chinese New Year! It's been one of the happiest few weeks of my life, but that's another story (more like STORIES/plural) for next time.

I think I have these spurs of the moment when I suddenly decide to dust off my blog and start writing. And when I do write I promise that there will be plenty of updates (promisepromisepromise)! But as of today, I've got a whole list to do.

Today, much will change.

Today, I will finally find out if I will join the ranks of the employed.

Today, God willing, I'll get a REAL job.

But Today is not everything.

Today is merely the prologue to a new chapter of life.

Today - A New Chapter.

 "Hope is a good thing. 
Perhaps the best of things. 
And no good thing ever dies."
- The Shawshank Redemption.