Thursday, May 13, 2010

Welcome Back to Our Scheduled Program...

Has it really been 5 weeks? More than that? So many people have been asking me why I've stopped blogging. But I can explain! Honest! Three reasons:

  1. Facebook.
  2. Facebook.
  3. Did I mention Facebook?

It's the devil's workshop I tell you. Facebook is such a soul-sucking, life-wasting, time-consuming vortex of a black hole. You check in, and it's so freaking hard to check out. The next thing you know... OHMYCRAPWHATHAPPENEDTOTHETIME!!!

This happens to me. Alot.

This is what every single FB addict out there that shares my sentiments has in their heads when they need to tear themselves (painfully) away from their FB page:

"... I'll just check my "recent updates" tab one more time... hold on, 5 more minutes... 1 minute... half a sec... wait-wha-" *commentcommentcommentcomment*

I should check myself into rehab... after I've tagged these photos. :P

Anyway, it's good to be back.

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