Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Dear 26 Year Old Myself,

By the time you read this, it will be exactly 6 months and 25 days since your 25 year old self wrote this. Congratulations, you are now over a quarter of a century old. It's definitely time that you've graduated with your Masters, moved out from university and got yourself a job. A REAL JOB. Yeah, like the type that people stick around in for more than 6 months and earn money with at least 4 digits on the paycheck (and yes, that excludes the 2 numbers after the decimal point) with the 1st digit being a number equal or more than "2".

If you haven't got a job by this time (or at the very least, goodness forbid, got yourself fired/resigned from your first one), I will come around and slap you. Period.

There will be a lot of changes that you'll have to make to adapt to working life. Like waking up earlier than 11am to begin with. For the last time, waking up at 7am to your alarm ringing and continuously snoozing it for 13 times in a row is NOT defined as waking up.

 Maybe I should replace my alarm clock with this to jump start my day.

You might also want to start cutting down your addiction reliance frequent visits on Facebook. Don't tell me you need to photo tag your face on this and that or you need to "like" other people's status and make "smart" comments on them. Bah, excuses. Stop procrastinating and start being productive.


Oh, and please act your age. I know it's just a number, but you need to stop hanging around younger people and grow up a little. Maybe getting a moustache will help you look like you're an adult for once and not some Foundation kiddo.

On second thought, scrap that last one. I'm sure you look good enough and having too much fun to care about something as inconsequential as age. It's just a number anyway right?

Nah... Not Such a Good Idea.

Keep up your exercise routine and jogging! Remember that you're aiming for a half marathon end of this year. Crossing the Penang bridge! Eyes on the prize! Don't go all flabby on me!

You're gonna meet new people and see new things. But listen up, this is the most important thing, never ever forget where you came from and who your friends are. You wouldn't have made it this far without each one of them. Keep in touch you forgetful bugger and don't you dare blame it on old age! You're twenty-freaking-six for crap's sake! I hope you're still going back to visit Techflow every now and then. Remember that you loved every single moment of being there.

Take care, 26 year old Myself,

P.S. - Get yourself a pair of decent leather shoes for crying out loud.
P.P.S. - And wax them.
P.P.P.S. - Regularly.
P.P.P.P.S. - Please.

Sunday, February 14, 2010

10 Things I Like About Chinese New Year

  1. Getting Angpaus - Lots of them! 
  2. Getting Fat - CNY is the only time you can let yourself go and just gorge on everything on the table without feeling guilty about it. Heck, your uncles and aunties take it upon themselves the sacred duty of egging you on to have more of everything, thank you very much. So pile on the calories now, worry about getting them off after Chap Goh Meh... maybe.
  3. History Lessons - I never get bored of listening to my uncles and aunts recall the glory days, especially from half a century ago ("Kuma! What do you mean Youtube didn't exist back in the 1950's? How in the world did you manage to survive???") Nah seriously, the stories they can tell... hoo boy! Youtube is for sissies when you're busy building shelters to evade Japanese bombings.
  4. Hanging out with Family - And uncles. And aunts. And cousins. Most of which you only meet up only once a year. It's relaxing just catching up on what's new. Everyone is growing up so fast so soon!
  5. Visiting friends - Catching up with ol' high school buddies is always fun. You see how much they've changed throughout the years. The geeks who always got laughed at and shoved around the school hall are now high flying corporate figures. The nerds are showing off their latest brand new techno gizmo-whatchamacallit-gadgets. The awkward shy ones have now morphed into the coolest, hottest guys and girls. And some of the happening people who were the center of attention, and who you thought were gonna make it big after high school? Well... sometimes you just have to wonder why you never hear from them anymore... Kinda ironic when I think about it. :P
  6. Visiting friends AND meeting their parents - This is like number 5 - but with benefits (refer to number 1).
  7. Visiting friends who just got married - It feels kinda weird when friends your age give you ang pows. Really... really... really weird... but i'm not complaining!
  8. New Threads - CNY is always the perfect excuse to splurge on that new suit/dress/skirt/shoes/watch/pants/jeans/perfume/deodorant/bling/branded underwear you've been eyeing but have always been feeling guilty about getting.
  9. Watching fireworks - Fire + Explosions + Loud whizzes and crackles and booms = Awesomeness!
  10. Getting Angpaus - Yeah, I know I said it before. But I like getting angpaus. ALOT.
Have a great CNY people!!

 Happy Chinese New Year 2010 Everyone!!!

Saturday, February 13, 2010

Two Point Oh

  • More pages than ever! Astound your friends with an additional 15 more pages of content!
  • 10 never before seen tables and graphs and pictures! In depth analysis with detailed explanations!
  • Witty, Engaging and Spell Checked English language! Spend less time falling asleep or wondering if a word was purposely or intentionally spelled wrongly and more time actually reading!

THESIS 2.0!!

Friday, February 12, 2010

Techflow Massive Camp - Camerons!!

Yes, I know it's been quite a looooooong time since I've updated. I didn't know so many people actually took the time to read what I had to crap! Hahahahaa... It's been almost three weeks since I've last wrote anything but TONS have happened. The most difficult thing with coming back after a long hiatus is decided what to write about. So why not pick up from where I left off last... Techflow Massive Cameron Camp!

We left on a friday afternoon. There were almost thirty ppl coming up by chartered bus. Being "really smart" engineers and all, we slept on the straight roads and started bising-ing on the windy roads. You would think that anyone would start heaving up whatever they had for lunch, but nooooooo~, everyone was too busy ooo-ing and aaah-ing at the sights and lights going up the hillside. Stomachs of iron, we has them :D. But back to the sights... they were awesome! I've never been up to Cameron's at night, but all the tea plantations and other farms were all lit up with the soft warm glow of sunny lightbulbs. And they were everywhere! Don't have any pictures to show, but you'd have to be there to appreciate the beauty of the whole thing. It was breathtaking. :)

 Barre I.J. Center: Where we would be investing the next three days of our lives.

We arrived at the quaint retreat of Barre I.J. Center close to 9pm (i think), had dinner (we were STARVING), and started with the 1st session with ice-breaking. One of the games was the balloon game. We had to write some stuff about ourselves on our balloon and then, after mixing all our balloons up, we each picked a random balloon and we were supposed to guess who that balloon belonged to based on the written characteristics.

That was when I discovered that engineers, besides being "really smart", can be "really creative" as well.

Everyone was either one or more of these things: smart, cute, pretty/handsome, or fun. Oh boy wow! Really? That could be describing anyone in this room! I mean, I'm all of the above too!

... ok never mind...

The guessing game was absolutely funny as we tried to match vague characteristics with even vaguer (is that such a word?) people. Some were pretty hilarious (like Shwe's balloon, she wrote: "The Great" on it).

 Valerie trying to sneak a peek at mah balloon.

I got Carolyn's balloon, one of the most sadistic juniors I've ever had the chance of knowing. Nuff said.

Don't mess with her. She likes to give random, out of the blue pinches. 
I got the blue black marks to show for it.

I was so hungry I ate my balloon.

After that I went to bed. Yup, "I" as in singular. Cos everyone else was still high. Me, on the other hand? I'm getting old... :P And it was the coldest night ever! Brrrrrr!

The next morning, we all woke up at the break of dawn for devotion. It was great to hear everyone share about gifts and talents and how we should offer all that we have to God. After breakfast, we had another session of ice breaking. We were all seated in a circle, then one of us was blindfolded, given a rolled up newspaper and had to stand in the middle and swing wildly around, trying to hit someone. Then we had to guess who we had hit based on their voices.

You guys are evil.

We had the morning session, as usual Ps. Ernie drew from his expansive repertoire of songs of how he found God and played a few foot tapping favorites. Next up... station games around Camerons!

At the 1st station, we arranged all the books of the bible in sequential order. 1st team to complete is the 1st to venture out into the town. We got last, even with help from Mr. Michael and Mark and Daniel. Hahahahah! More bible study anybody? :P

But no fear! For the 2nd station, we ran a MILLION miles to some botanical garden where we had to count the colors of the flowers that were there. We counted like a GAZILLION hues in 10 minutes. :D The 3rd station was the bus terminal and we had to sing the UNITEN anthem to an adoring public audience. I forgot the words and just "hmmm... ahhh..." almost half the song.

The 4th and last station, we had to memorize a TRILLION items from a food menu. Mark was nicely looking at his cousin's photo, while all along we thought he had a picture of the food menu on his phone and checking on us. It was around this time that another team caught up with us, making us realize that we were actually in the lead! So we ran all the way back to Barre I.J. We got 1st! And we ambushed the last team! (Sorry William... Better luck next time!). Thanks Mark and Daniel and all involved who went all out to embarass us prepare all the games!

The Winning Team. :D

One massive water balloon fight, Captain Ball game (in which we extracted a sizable rock from Joshua's wounded arm) and ravenous dinner later, we prepped up for malam mesra, themed: Pirates of Cameron Highlands. Ridiculousness of the highest order ensued. Oh, and we played more station games. One of which included spitting sweets. Gross out awesomeness!

Arrrrrrrrrrr! Hoo-ah!! We be da Blu-Ray Pirates!!

Fast forward to the last day, we went to town. Ate some tasty strawberry honey pancakes and headed downhill to Rowen's and Bobby's strawberry farm. We got a backstage pass into the farm and it was awesome! Got a bottle of jam. We also got scones from Rowen's aunt! The best scones... EVER!

I swear the strawberries there are the size of my head.

It tastes even better in your mouth. But I'm sorry... you only get the picture. :P

After a smorgasbord of gorging ourselves, we left and stopped halfway down Cameron's for more feasting. This time at the pasar pagi (it was more like "tengah hari" by then but i don't know what else to call it). We had corn, fried mushrooms and I got chocolate strawberries too (courtesy of Carolyn, who by now was so overwhelmed with guilt from torturing me throughout the whole camp, so she decided to compensate :P).

This time, we being "smarter" engineers, we slept on the windy way down and woke up on the straight highway. Then we bising-ed and crapped and told ridiculous stories and jokes til we got back to UNITEN.

Random photo time!

Cool People Posing.

Some of my Favorite Retards.

Me indulging in one of my favorite activites at camp.
The rest are just sleeping. Tsk tsk...

Oh yeah, we got back and almost immediately went to eat somemore. Bak Kut Teh at Mungo Jerry!!! Pork Heaven! What a way to end the best camp I've ever been to! :D

I've learnt one important thing: It doesn't matter where you go or what you do or even when or how you do it, it's the people that you hang out with that makes life awesome.

P.S. Pictures plucked from Facebook from Shwe's DSLR and Mr. Mike's Camera. :)